On the 9th of July, the European Commission (EC) launched a 35 million euro call for proposals to develop the analysis of health images for AI cancer diagnostics. Also, other tools and analytics focused on the prevention, prediction, and treatment of the most common types of cancer. This is part of the Horizon 2020 programme, which the EC is investing €177 million for ‘Digital Transformation of Health and Care’ and ‘Trusted digital solutions and Cybersecurity in Health and Care’.
Progression for cancer prevention and AI
Afterward, on July 10th Commissioner Gabriel assembles the second high-level roundtable. Bringing together representatives from the EC, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical technology industries and the civil society. Throughout, the discussion will revolve around the roadmap for Communication on the digital transformation of health and care, adopted in April 2018. Other key topics include next steps on the recently adopted Recommendation on the interoperability of electronic health records systems, artificial intelligence and high-performance computing. In addition, advancing the exchange of health data across borders and addressing privacy and data protection concerns.
Commissioner commentary
Working together across silos will boost our capacity to better help the patients by sharing and interpreting technological advances in cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment prediction across the EU.
Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis
Today’s (July 9th) investment confirms our strong support in advanced technologies that will shape the future of the health sector in the European Union. Together with Member States, we must put in place a framework that balances individual concerns and health system constraints, while unleashing innovation in healthcare for the benefit of all Europeans.
Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society, Mariya Gabriel
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The writer of the article:
Ross Uren
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay